Infragistics.Excel–Set the format to dollars on a cell, column or row.

These extension methods will allow you to easily format a column for dollars. These can be altered to use any format that you can create in Excel (and then copy and paste here). I do this a lot when creating spreadsheets and these save me time trying to remember the impossible to remember FormatString.

''' <summary>
''' Formats the specified cell as dollars.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="cell"></param>
<Extension()> _
Public Sub SetFormatDollars(ByVal cell As WorksheetCell)
    cell.CellFormat.FormatString = """$""#,##0.00_);(""$""#,##0.00)"
End Sub

''' <summary>
''' Formats the specified column as dollars.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="column"></param>
<Extension()> _
Public Sub SetFormatDollars(ByVal column As WorksheetColumn)
    column.CellFormat.FormatString = """$""#,##0.00_);(""$""#,##0.00)"
End Sub

''' <summary>
''' Formats the specified row as dollars.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="row"></param>
<Extension()> _
Public Sub SetFormatDollars(ByVal row As WorksheetRow)
    row.CellFormat.FormatString = """$""#,##0.00_);(""$""#,##0.00)"
End Sub

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