VB.Net/C# Extension Method to Shrink SQLite Database

The vacuum command in SQLite provides a way to effectively shrink the database. It does this by copying the contents of the db into a temporary database, rebuilding the main database and then copying the data back in. This can help fragmented databases where a table or indexes maybe stored in different sections of the file (the database can become fragmented over time with many inserts/updates/deletes). After a vacuum the tables/indexes will largely be stored contiguously.

I have a simple extension method off of SQLiteConnection that I use when I want to shrink the database from code. Usage just requires that the connection is opened when "CompactDatabase" is called.


''' <summary>
''' Compacts (vacuum) or shrinks a SQLite database via the open SQLiteConnection.  If an open transaction exists or there are open
''' queries this command will fail.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="conn">An open SQLite connection that has no pending transactions open or queries running.</param>
<Extension()> _
Public Sub CompactDatabase(conn As SQLiteConnection)
    Using cmd As System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand = conn.CreateCommand
        cmd.CommandText = "vacuum"
    End Using
End Sub


/// <summary>
/// Compacts (vacuum) or shrinks a SQLite database via the open SQLiteConnection.  If an open transaction exists or there are open
/// queries this command will fail.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="conn">An open SQLite connection that has no pending transactions open or queries running.</param>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public static void CompactDatabase(this SQLiteConnection conn)
    using (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand)
        cmd.CommandText = "vacuum";

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