Coalesce for VB.Net

Here are two simple functions (4 functions, 2 with 2 overloads) that will create a Coalesce command for VB.Net similar to what exists in SQL. These functions will return the first non null value in either an array of objects or a generic list of objects.

''' <summary>
''' Returns the first non null value in the object list.  If all objects in the list are null, then a null will be returned.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="objList"></param>
Public Shared Function Coalesce(ByVal objList() As Object) As Object
    For Each o As Object In objList
        If o IsNot Nothing Then
            Return o
        End If
    Return New Object
End Function

''' <summary>
''' Returns the first non null value in the object list.  If all objects in the list are null, then a null will be returned.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="objList"></param>
Public Shared Function Coalesce(ByVal objList As List(Of Object)) As Object
    For Each o As Object In objList
        If o IsNot Nothing Then
            Return o
        End If
    Return New Object
End Function

''' <summary>
''' Returns the first non null value in the object list.  If all objects in the list are null the the defaultValue variable specified
''' will be returned.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="objList"></param>
''' <param name="defaultValue"></param>
Public Shared Function Coalesce(ByVal objList() As Object, ByVal defaultValue As Object) As Object
    For Each o As Object In objList
        If o IsNot Nothing Then
            Return o
        End If
    Return defaultValue
End Function

''' <summary>
''' Returns the first non null value in the object list.  If all objects in the list are null the the defaultValue variable specified
''' will be returned.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="objList"></param>
''' <param name="defaultValue"></param>
Public Shared Function Coalesce(ByVal objList() As List(Of Object), ByVal defaultValue As Object) As Object
    For Each o As Object In objList
        If o IsNot Nothing Then
            Return o
        End If
    Return defaultValue
End Function

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